About us
América Academics is a Christian Educational Center in Ministry, Theology, and Ministry Leadership . Our accelerated courses include training in Theological and Biblical Training, Professional Christian Ministry, as well as other relevant courses for the complete formation of highly trained and exemplary citizen leaders - with values and principles - and effective managers in the multiple spheres of society with the family as the nucleus of development of society. Continue exploring and meet the founders of América Academics.
Book a consultation with Dr. Julio C. Salas
We strive to see lives transformed by the power of the Gospel in educational excellence and service to the community.

América Academics is a Christian Educational Center in Ministry, Theology, and Ministry Leadership . Our accelerated courses include training in Theological and Biblical Training, Professional Christian Ministry, as well as other relevant courses for the complete formation of highly trained and exemplary citizen leaders - with values and principles - and effective managers in the multiple spheres of society with the family as the nucleus of development of society. Continue exploring and meet the founders of América Academics. Continue exploring and meet the founders of América Academics.
América Academics' educational platform operates entirely online from its headquarters in the city of Miami, FL in the United States of America.
Book a consultation with Dr. Julio C. SalasAbout the Founders of America Academics
Business Administrator, Systems Engineer, Theologian, Doctor in Leadership and Educational Ministry. Dr. Julio C. Salas brings twenty-five years of professional experience. Additionally, he holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a specialty in Computer Management, as well as a Master of Science in Computer Management, both from Florida International University (School of Business) in the city of Miami in the United States of America. America. He also holds a Master of Divinity degree and a Doctorate of Educational Ministry in Leadership from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky (USA). educational. Dr. Julio C. Salas has had the privilege of serving and pouring his knowledge and experience into multiple organizations from diverse industries as well as diverse organizational sizes, for-profit and non-profit entities, government entities, as well as Hispanic organizations such as Anglo speakers. His professional experience includes Corporate sectors, Finance, Small and Medium Size Business, Retail, Online, School System, Police (Law Enforcement), Jail, Librarian, Election Systems, Cruises, Television Channels, Ecclesial, E-Commerce among others. From 2004 to 2010 he was a member of the Miami-Dade County Advisory Board, a position he served in providing business insights for the best work locally for businesses.
Dr. Julio C. Salas is married to his beautiful wife Dady with whom he shares a romance and life adventure. It is said that behind a great man there is a great woman. And in the same way in a game of Chess, the one who defends the King is the Queen, she is Julio's shield bearer. As the wise King Solomon said about 900 years before Christ: “A virtuous woman, who will find her? Because its esteem far surpasses that of precious stones. (Proverbs 31:10-31). We want to invite you to join America Academics and explore our catalog of Courses and Workshops.

"Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground." Psalms 143:10
América Academics se sostiene a través del patrocinio financiero amoroso, generoso y voluntario de hombres y mujeres cristianos que aman al Señor y que creen en nuestra misión y visión. También nos sostenemos a través de su suscripción a uno de nuestros planes educacionales de acceso pagados. ¡Le invitamos a unirse a la familia de América Academics hoy! Haga clic en uno de los enlaces:

Our Mission and Philosophy
For both a leader and an organization, it is crucial to have a defined philosophy of life, and from this worldview to adequately define its mission or reason for existence. The philosophy of life is the rudder that directs the life, mind and decision-making of a person and therefore the direction and future of an organization, since it is people, human beings, who direct these companies, organizations, governments. , or families. The family is the basic organizational nucleus of society that must produce future human beings: professionals and leaders who will take the baton in their due generational order.
Book a consultation with Dr. Julio C. SalasThe philosophy of life is the rudder that directs the life, mind and decision-making of a person and of entire societies.

Our Worldview and Central Philosophy
God exists for his own glory. His mission is his own glory. Our central worldview is transcendent because it is aligned with the mission of God who transcends human experience. Understanding that God is the absolute and undeniable creator of everything that exists, that everything was created for his own glory, and that everything and everyone belongs to him; The reason for the existence of every human being, and by extension of every organization (whether for-profit or non-profit) must be genuine experiential worship and absolute reverent subjection to God in any of his activities.
Book a consultation with Dr. Julio C. SalasNo human being is independent. All human beings are totally dependent on the daily merciful goodness of God for our livelihood. In the same way, human beings were made stewards and administrators of God's Creation, therefore, we are also responsible before God for our way of conducting ourselves within his creational domains, understanding that our human experience occurs entirely in the presence of God. he. Nothing escapes the presence of God.
Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of God, God the Son, the second person of the Trinity, the creator of all things entered human reality by being born as a human being so that 33 years later through his atoning death, he would redeem those who believe. in his name, so that ultimately God's original mission for the human race at the time of Creation will be restored, a human population that worships God in holiness. The church as a whole, and each Christian, who is part of the church, is obliged to align themselves with the mission of God and the explicit orders of Jesus Christ, mainly the Great Commission.
Therefore, as supported in the previous paragraphs, this organization exists for the glory of God, within God's terms, for the expansion of his Kingdom and dominion, and for the fulfillment of the order of the Great Commission, with the I desire that every person come in repentance at the feet of Christ.
Organizational Mission
The mission and purpose of América Academics is aligned with the theological principles of its worldview and philosophy. We exist to glorify the name and person of God and our Lord Jesus Christ through a work of academic and discipleship education of excellence, clearly aligned with the mission of God our Creator, which is his own glory. This, in order to educate and develop exemplary men and women, reverent to God and genuine worshipers within the terms of Him described in the Bible, the inerrant, sufficient and infallible Word of God. Our intended audience includes Christians who exercise some form of leadership within and/or outside the realm of the local church. This includes pastors and church leaders, lay ministry leaders, local and/or denominational church staff, Christian community leaders, Christian business owners and executives, and even parents, Christian youth, and college students. In general, anyone who is currently exercising some leadership role within and/or outside the local church or who longs to exercise leadership.
Book a consultation with Dr. Julio C. Salas

Our vision
Under the parameters outlined in our worldview and central philosophy, as well as in our organizational mission, América Academics aspires to be the most influential educational center in the Spanish-speaking world in the United States, the Americas, Europe and all places where there are Spanish speakers in the world. . This is for the formation of leaders in all disciplines of academic, professional, vocational instruction and Christian ministerial development. First, we long to see lives transformed by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and second, lives energized by educational excellence put into practice in their respective contexts.
We long to witness the expansion of the kingdom of God in all corners of the Earth, particularly in the Spanish-speaking world, where entire cities and countries can be positively influenced through our educational work under our worldview, central philosophy, and mission.
We will fulfill our vision through a sustained commitment to outreach to Spanish-speaking, primarily Christian communities in all parts of the world from towns, cities and countries through education through educational platforms with virtual outreach via the Internet.
Our vision is to “make disciples of all nations” by inviting all our students to know Christ, to grow in the image and likeness of Christ, and to be sent by Christ.
Confessional Statement
Although we are legally constituted as a for-profit organization, our mission is education and discipleship within our convictions which are framed within a Christian worldview and biblical philosophy. We believe that the Bible is our supreme authority par excellence. And we equally believe it is necessary to articulate a summary of our beliefs, and in this way, offer our students and visitors a brief confessional statement. We are Reformed in our theology. We adhere to the following confessional statements: [links to an external website]
- The Baptist Faith and Message 2000
- The 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith
- The Westminster Confession of Faith
- The Chicago Declaration on Biblical Inerrancy
- The Danvers Declaration
- The Nashville Declaration
- The Dallas Declaration on Social Justice and the Gospel
- The Second Helvetic Confession
- The Canons of Dort
- The Heidelberg Catechism
- The Belgic Confession