Your generous support and sustained financial commitment helps América Academics continue to equip more Christian leaders for the work of ministry to all the nations while keeping the cost of education free or very affordable.
Your gift / love offering of only $25 USDper month
Your voluntary donation of just$25 USD per monthhelps América Academics continue to equip more believers for the work of ministry in the local church while keeping the cost of education offered free or affordable. Equipping the Church contributes to the work of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) bringing the gospel to all nations and virtually.
THANK YOU! It is my prayer that God bless and prosper you and your family with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Dr. Julio C. Salas
Your gift / love offering of only $25USDone-time
Your voluntary donation of just $25 USD one-time helps América Academics continue to equip more believers for the work of ministry in the local church while keeping the cost of education offered free or affordable. Equipping the Church contributes to the work of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) bringing the gospel to all nations and virtually.
THANK YOU! It is my prayer that God bless and prosper you and your family with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Dr. Julio C. Salas
Your gift / love offering of one-time any amount
Yourone-time voluntary giftof any amount helps America Academics continue to equip more believers for the work of ministry in the local church while keeping the cost of education offered free or affordable. Equipping the Church contributes to the work of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) bringing the gospel to all nations and virtually.
THANK YOU! It is my prayer that God bless and prosper you and your family with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Dr. Julio C. Salas
¡Unase hoy a la Red Hispana de Pastores y Lideres Ministeriales de Las Américas y los Estados Unidos!
La Red Hispana de Pastores y Lideres Ministeriales de Las Américas y los Estados Unidos es un esfuerzo de de capacitación y alcance ministerial gratuito de la Escuela de Ministerio Cristiano Profesional de América Academics ( para equipar a Lideres Ministeriales: Pastores, Ancianos, Diáconos, Plantadores de Iglesias, Administradores Eclesiales, Maestros de Escuela Dominical de Adultos, Jóvenes o Niños, Lideres Juveniles, Misioneros, etc. para la obra del Ministerio y de la Gran Comisión en todo el Mundo Hispano. El acceso a este grupo privado en Facebook y el entrenamiento ofrecido allí es totalmente gratuito. Acceso únicamente para Pastores y Lideres Ministeriales. Si usted es un Pastor o Líder Ministerial, por favor llene el siguiente formulario para iniciar su registración:
* En América Academics respetamos su privacidad y tomamos muy en serio nuestra política antispam. Solo enviamos correos electrónicos a los usuarios que se hayan suscrito voluntariamente a nuestra lista. Usted puede elegir retirarse de nuestra lista en cualquier momento.